• Product Cost at the end of November 2018. Note that some producers may have stopped producing or distributing their products.

Kichijoji Area

1. Assorted Satsuma-Age (¥1,080)

A far-flung assortment of handmade Satsuma-Age. Every recipe is completely unchanged from the original at the shop's founding in 1945. Tasty even after a light roasting. A recommended souvenir, greeting gift, or snack to enjoy with your family. Contains no preservative.

Tsukada Suisan

Central Musashino Area

1. Tasty Muchan Gyoza (¥399/pack)

Frozen gyoza (dumplings) made with vegetable (cabbage) grown by the farmers of JA Tokyo-Musashi (Musashino, Mitaka, Koganei, Kokubunji and Kodaira). Contains only domestic ingredients to assure safety and ease.

JA Tokyo-Musashi (Musashino Shinsen-Kan)

Musashisakai Area

1. Red Peppers from Sakai (Cayenne pepper powder) (¥200/bag (10g))

Powdered Musashino City farm-grown red pepper. Carefully dried, individually separated from the stems, and inspected by an advanced technique using light at a food-processing facility. Known for its bright colors and strong heat.

Musashisakai Activation Committee
Sold by Hainan grilled dumplings

3. Tasty Soy Bean Paste Flavored Kichijoji Chili Oil with Chopped Ingredients (¥680)

Ideal with white steamed rice as a matter of course, or vegetable sticks such as cucumber, grilled meat, roast fish, sashimi, cheese, or and steamed potato with butter. A versatile, habit-forming seasoning used in many ways, even as a rice-ball filling in combination with long onion, ginger, dried bonito, etc.

Kichijoji Matsuhiro
Sold by Korokuya Musashi-Sakai

4. Beef Jerky (¥1,200/pack (100g contained))

A beef jerky wholesomely cured without bulking agents are preservatives. Quality Japanese beef carefully smoked using German-made spices. The more you chew, the more the spice and meat flavors spread. Awarded the gold prize at the International Competition in Holland.

Meister Murakami